Our Process

Tecassia Publishing is a hybrid publisher, supporting authors to share their stories, unique voices and talent with the world. Our model is a partnership with our authors who are ready to invest in themselves and their stories guided by our expertise to help them bring their books to market.

Books published through Tecassia undergo a vetting process to ensure high-quality manuscripts that align with our vision and mission. We have an open submission policy and authors selected to be published through Tecassia invest in one of our publishing packages to support the book’s production, receiving 50% of the royalties from sales.

Submit Your Manuscript

Submit your manuscript in accordance with our guidelines as detailed on the submissions page. Please send your best and most complete work available, do not send first or rough drafts. Note that it can take up to six weeks for a response.

Publication Green Light

If your manuscript is a good fit, we will reassess it and decide whether it is ready for publication or needs more work in which case we will invite you to work with our writing coaches or editors to polish the manuscript.

Proofreading and Production

Your manuscript will have a final proofread as well as book cover design and formatting to ensure it is ready to go to print. All Tecassia Publishing authors have the opportunity for a final proofread before it is sent to print.

Distribution and Publication

Your book will be distributed either via print on demand (POD) or a traditional print run and available through major retailers. Congratulations on having your Tecassia Publishing book on sale and available for people to read!

Submit Your Manuscript

We currently accept submissions for hybrid publishing directly from authors with no literary agent required. Make sure you read the guidelines and process on this page fully before submitting your work for consideration. We are looking for manuscripts in the following genres:

Publication Green Light

If we feel your manuscript is a good fit for Tecassia Publishing, we’ll offer you a publication deal depending on how ready the manuscript is for publication. Publishing with Tecassia has an investment of £9,000 GBP for solo authors as we handle all of the editing, design, production, printing and distribution of your book in return for a higher royalty rate. If you would like to discuss a multi-author title with split costs between contributors, our multi-author packages start from £10,000 GBP for 10 authors (£1,000 per author).

We highly recommend you also invest in outside PR or marketing to support the launch of your book.

If Your Manuscript Is Ready

This means we feel your manuscript is fit for publishing without extra major developmental work. We may discuss some minor edits but often will move on to a final edit/proofread and begin the design and production process for manuscripts at this stage of readiness.

If Your Manuscript Is Nearly Ready

This means that we feel your manuscript has potential to be a good fit for Tecassia but we feel it requires extra developmental work to really make it shine. We provide feedback on what needs developing and we highly recommend working with one of our writing coaches to polish your manuscript. After this you can resubmit your manuscript for assessment with no submission fee.

Manuscript Not Ready/Not Suitable

This indicates that your manuscript is either in need of a lot of work (e.g. you sent in a first or rough draft) in which case we recommend working with a writing coach to redraft. If the manuscript is deemed ‘not suitable’, this means it isn’t a fit for Tecassia to publish. In this case, we can offer you author book production services if you wish to proceed with self-publishing or you can join our writing membership, writing groups or work with our writing coaches* to help you develop your writing further. 

(*Note that working with our writing coaches for manuscripts deemed ‘not suitable’ will not guarantee they will become a good fit for us).

Proofreading and Production

If we green light your manuscript as ‘ready for publication’ with Tecassia, we move on to the next phase. When you sign your contract, we will begin discussions with you about cover design and begin developing your cover while you may any recommended final edits and/or your book is being proofread. We work with the best designers to create high quality covers that sit alongside traditional published books and are appropriate for the target market using our publishing experience and expertise to position the book correctly.

When we accept your submission, we will have noted if there were any recommended edits, once these are complete your manuscript will have a final edit/proofread with our editors. You will get the chance to approve this final version of your manuscript. From here, the book goes into production mode with typesetting and ebook formatting to produce the final layout and prepare the appropriate files for us to use in printing and distribution.

A publication date will be set and you will be provided with graphics to be able to begin promoting your book online. We highly recommend you invest in working with a PR or marketing agency to support the launch of your book.

Advance Reader Copies and review copies will be made available at this time if you have any contacts you would like to send advance copies for review.

Distribution and Publication

Most of our titles are currently available as print-on-demand (POD) to be distributed to major retailers via the Gardners distribution network. However, if suitable we can discuss ordering print runs for more traditional distribution

Once the final book files are ready, we handle the loading of the title, book details, blurb, categories and keyword data into the POD system ahead of the launch date. We provide authors with a single ‘choice page’ weblink which allows customers to be redirected to their favourite online retailer in their local region to purchase/preorder your book where available.

You can order author copies of your book through us as necessary for events and we highly recommend taking copies of your book to local retailers to encourage them to place orders through the Gardners catalogue.

As an author we recommend you get marketing/PR support to help promote your book as we currently do not offer dedicated publicity for your book. However, press enquiries can be directed to us and we will continue to provide review copies as requested.


Thank you for your interest in submitting to Tecassia Publishing.
We look forward to reviewing your manuscript!